
20 March 2024

1962 Topps Stamp Panels Wally Moon/Brooks Robinson

A quick one-card post today, just to keep the blogging juices flowing. I've been lagging a bit lately in my effort to resurrect my card blog. It's hard to gather the mental bandwidth to post sometimes, especially when I don't feel like I've got much of value to say to anyone.

In pursuit of the Wally Moon PSA Master Set I've picked up most of the mainstream stuff. That leaves me with oddball issues that can be hard to find. This Wally Moon/Brooks Robinson stamp panel is the latest one I've marked off my list. It is one of two two-stamp panels that Wally Moon appears on. The other features Wally Moon and Frank Malzone, and is a lot harder to find than this one, at least in PSA-graded form. I may end up having to purchase a raw example to send in and grade. I currently have the #1-ranked Wally Moon Master Set on the PSA Set Registry, but that's because no one else has bothered to register their cards. I'm sure there are some hardcore vintage collectors out there who could blow me out of the water if they bothered to register their cards. Anyway, I'll keep plugging away at it until I'm done.


  1. Congratulations on being the #1 ranked Wally Moon collector on the PSA registry. Moon is one of those guys that has a cult-like following in the hobby... so that's a pretty impressive feat.

    1. It's easy to be #1 when it seems like no one else is chasing the full set with any conviction.

  2. This one of those things that looks really odd to see in a slab, at least to me. I can only imagine what folks back in 1962 would've thought about such a thing.
