
24 March 2024

Various Recent Racing Card Pickups

In addition to busting various packs of racing products recently, I've picked up a handful of singles that I figured I'd show off today. I don't watch a lot of racing, but I sure do enjoy collecting the cards and following things online.

First up is a Hailie Deegan Blank Slate insert out of 2023 Panini Donruss Racing. These cards are tough pulls from the product, rumored to be case hits. I got this one for a relative steal on eBay compared to other copies of the card that were listed, so I was happy to add it to my Hailie Deegan collection.

I picked up these Brittney Zamora cards from 2023 Panini Chronicles Racing as a lot, again on eBay. I actually bought another copy of the Newly Minted triple relic, but it arrived packed in tape which peeled off the foil along the top edge, so I had to replace it. Luckily the seller was understanding and issued a refund without too much hassle. I hate eBay returns. They feel very confrontational at times. Zamora has replaced Danica Patrick as my current primary driver collection in racing cards, although I'm not sure how much racing Zamora has done recently.

I'll close things out with a couple of cards for my longest-running driver collection, Danica Patrick. She retired a while back, but Panini luckily still puts her into most sets that get released. The tire relic is #/50 and comes from 2021 Panini Donruss Racing, while the Clear Vision insert is #/99 and comes from an older set, 2016 Panini Torque Racing.


  1. Not familiar with Zamora (don't watch NASCAR)... but that triple relic is cool. That's the cool thing about this sport and the hobby... there are so many different types of relics card companies can use for products.

    1. One of my favorite relic card sets was an insert set from Press Pass that featured chunks of windshield embedded in the cards.

  2. drop me an e-mail with your address. I'd like to dump some racing cards on you.

  3. I've found that returning stuff on eBay can only go two ways, A). The seller is cool about it and quickly issues the refund, and B). The seller is a butthole, and makes things as difficult as possible. There's never any in-between.
